December 17, 2011 - 10:25 AMT
U.S. State Department confirms support to Bryza ambassadorial nomination

The U.S. State Department has confirmed support to Matthew Bryza’s nomination for the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan.

Asked at a daily press briefing whether Russia and Azerbaijan will have no ambassadors by the end of this year, spokesperson Victoria Nuland said: “I think you know that we want to see our nominees approved, and we want to see those very, very important ambassadorial appointments filled.”

Meanwhile, according to The Cable, 36 conservative foreign policy experts wrote to top senators to plead for the confirmation of Bryza, who is currently serving under a recess appointment that expires next month.

His nomination was being held up last year by two Democrats, Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), who are displeased with the administration's policy opposing a congressional resolution condemning the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

"It is understandable that Armenian Americans and even some Senators will disagree with the U.S. policy concerning whether to call the events of 1915 a genocide. That is an argument to be hashed out with the U.S. Administration on the merits," the experts wrote. "But holding up a qualified career nominee who is already serving in a key position will not change U.S. policy, and does a disservice to U.S. interests in a critical region."