January 20, 2012 - 19:30 AMT
Syria's economy bends under sanctions, terrorist attacks

Syria lost about $2 billion in sanctions imposed on Syrian Oil sector since the beginning of last September, Engineer Sufian Allaw, Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources declared.

Minister Allaw added that the armed terrorist groups also targeted crude oil and gas pipelines, which in turn increased the amount of damage to more than 2 billion SYP.

''21 workers were killed, 24 others injured by the armed terrorist groups which stole 43 cars and inflicted damage on 42 cars used by the Ministry,'' said Minister Allaw, not mention the material damage to Oil and Gas constructions, buildings and infrastructures.

Minister of Health, Dr. Wael al-Halaqi, declared that the armed terrorist groups' attacks caused the deaths of 12 medical staff including doctors, nurses, injury for 25 staff members, and inflicted damage on 12 hospitals, 43 health centers, and 76 ambulances.

Earlier, Minister of Electricity Imad Khamis stated that the direct material damage inflicted by armed terrorists upon Electricity Grids and Networks amounted to about SYP 713 million whereas the value of indirect economic damage which hit the national economy reached around SYP 23 billion, SANA Syrian news agency reported.