October 13, 2003 - 20:14 AMT
The US granted $170 000 to the Yerevan office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the realization of two projects aimed at the struggle against trafficking in Armenia. As Mediamax agency was told in the IOM Yerevan office, the first project will allow Armenian diplomats working abroad to more effectively assist the people who fell preys to trafficking. The office also informed that two women who became preys to trafficking returned to Uzbekistan from Armenia last week. One of them was supposed to be sent to the United Arab Emirates through the Armenian territory, the other was taken to Israel across Moscow and Cairo. Having managed to free herself there, she appealed to the nearest diplomatic representative office, which proved to be the Armenian embassy. The Armenian party expressed readiness to provide documents and air-tickets for her, and due to the fact the woman came to Yerevan avoiding slavery. The other project, the IOM Yerevan office intends to carry out within the frames of the grant is directed to rendering assistance to Armenian non-governmental organizations working with the victims of trafficking.