October 13, 2003 - 20:10 AMT
We do not wish to contrast Israel-Azerbaijan relations with those of Israel and Armenia, as deputy to the Armenian foreign minister Ruben Shugarian told Regnum agency when commenting on the evident closing between Baku and Tel Aviv. In Shugarian's words, if Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan triangle can be viewed from this point, it has been not outlined yet. Generally, he noted, after September 11 neither the world nor our region can be divided into triangles and squares. There are certainly some problems arousing Yerevan's concern, and particularly those regarding Israel-Turkey relations, the minister stated. "However we are carrying on a political dialogue with Israel and have the possibility to raise the most urgent matters. As for the close relations between Baku and Tel Aviv, it is essential to note that our relations with Israel have peculiarities, being at the quite different level that is Armenians-Jewry. They are not confined to intergovernmental relations, especially taking into consideration the fact that both countries possess considerable and influential Diasporas, in the US particularly", - Ruben Shugarian stated.