February 17, 2012 - 16:34 AMT
France will never question fact of Armenian Genocide

France will keep filing pressure on Turkey, until the latter becomes the country official Paris would like it to be, member of Armenian National Assembly and the ARF Dashnaktsutyun parliamentary group quoted France’s top officials as saying.

According to Ara Nranyan, democratization policy will be implemented towards Turkey.

From Feb 5-11, the Armenian MP participated in a forum held in Paris, Strasburg and Berlin. The latter brought together 6 member-countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), with Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine represented by MPs from opposition parties, and Azerbaijan, Moldova and Belarus - by NGO representatives.

In this context, Mr. Nranyan added that the issue of the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial was raised during a meeting with French Constitutional Council member.

“It was requested to wait until the end of February when the issue is resolved,” the MP said.

Mr. Nranyan further briefed on the address of the Azerbaijan’s representative in charge of the Eastern partnership program.

“Azerbaijan and Turkey mustn’t make the Armenian Genocide issue a subject of a conflict. The document bears solely a legal character. France will never question the fact of the Genocide itself. In this context, France’s position remains unchanged and neither Azerbaijan, nor Turkey should have any hopes that the EU will make concessions,” the French official said in response to the Azerbaijan’s representative.