February 29, 2012 - 17:02 AMT
Armenian MP urges for recognition of Sumgait pogroms as genocide

A member of Heritage opposition party Larisa Alaverdyan slammed the lack of attention to the victims of Sumgait pogroms.

As the parliamentarian told a news conference in Yerevan, the bill envisaging recognition of Sumgait massacres as genocide, submitted to Armenian National Assembly 3 years ago, is yet to be addressed.

“It’s time the world leaned the truth behind Sumgait pogroms,” the MP said, urging Armenian Diaspora for help in genocide recognition campaign.

As An Ordinary Genocide project manager Marina Grigoryan, in turn, noted, the issue has to be given a legal solution. “Armenia must file suits with international courts,” she stressed.

The filming of Ordinary Genocide 4-part series was launched in 2009, with Marina Grigoryan as the manager of the project.