Bako Sahakyan: may our people always live in peaceful, strong and prosperous homeland

On Motherland Defender Day, President of Artsakh Republic (NKR) Bako Sahakyan addressed a congratulatory message to people of Artsakh.

“I cordially congratulate NKR Defense Army, veterans of the Great Patriotic and Artsakh Liberation wars, as well as the people of Artsakh on Motherland Defender’s Day.

This is a great day for Artsakh people, who opened a new chapter in the heroic history of Karabakh, rising in arms to defend their native land. The glorious victory of Shushi, which was won by blood of our sisters and brothers, has been added to those of Avarair, Sardarapat and the Great Patriotic.

Having learnt the lessons of patriotism and courage, the younger generation now continues with honor the immortal work of their fathers and grandfathers. Due to high fighting spirit and preparedness the NKR armed forces are considered the main guarantee of our independence and security, playing an important role in maintaining peace and stability in the region. Artsakh is strong and invincible through the efforts of its heroic people and efficient army.

I once again congratulate you. May our people always live in peaceful, strong and prosperous homeland!” NKR president said in his speech.

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