More women become victims of gender-based violence in Turkey

PanARMENIAN.Net - Two more women were stabbed to death this past weekend in the midst of Turkey's ongoing struggle with gender-based violence.

A man in southwestern province of Aydın reportedly stabbed his wife 30 times, Today’s Zaman reported citing the Milliyet daily.

Özge Tingir and her husband İbrahim Tingir unofficially married when she was only 16 years old. Turkey's legal marriage age is 18. Soon after they were legally married when she turned 18, İbrahim Tingir was imprisoned for writing bad checks.

After her husband went to jail, Özge Tingir moved in with her husband's family. Rumors began circulating she was having affairs with other men. She was kicked out of their home two weeks ago because of the rumors and moved to her father's house.

İbrahim Tingir reportedly believed the rumors and sneaked into his father-in-law's house after he was released from prison. He then allegedly killed his wife by slitting her throat and fled the scene.

In a separate incident, a man allegedly killed his wife after arguing about visiting family.

After M.K., 29, came home drunk early Saturday, Feb 4 morning, he and his wife, Hatice Karaca, 25, began to argue about visiting relatives. The argument escalated to violence when M.K. allegedly took a knife out of the kitchen and proceeded to stab his wife to death.

Neighbors notified the police, who took M.K. into custody.

Another man reportedly beat his wife in Muğla because he thought she had taken up smoking.

When Ramazan Çetiner, 40, found a pack of cigarettes, he asked his wife Gülten Çetiner, 31, if it was hers. He did not believe her when she said it was her father's. Ramazan Çetiner then allegedly beat her.

Gülten Çetiner took their 6-year-old daughter and sought refuge at the home of her father, who took her to the hospital. She then filed a complaint against her husband at Kavaklıdere gendarmerie station. According to her statement, Çetiner said her husband beat her for the last 13 years.

“Two weeks ago, he beat me again. He slashed my face with his ring as if he was trying to take out my eye,” she said. “I endured [his beatings] all this time for my children's sake, but I have no more energy.”

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